Service Information
The Wheelchair & Repair Service provides fully integrated wheelchair and postural management services to eligible residents of Surrey on behalf of the NHS.
Requesting information in an alternative format
To request information or any of our key documents is an alternative format such as braille, easy to read, larger print, audio or other format, please call 0300 124 820. Alternatively, you send us an SMS or Whatsapp message to 07471 038 629 or email us at quoting the publications title plus the format you require.
What Services Do We Provide?

We provide all assessments at our specially designed, modern service centres in Woking and Redhill.

Customised Seating
We offer a specialised seating service for people with complex postural needs.

Repairs and Maintenance
We provide a flexible repair and maintenance service to keep your wheelchair in good working order.

Personal Wheelchair Budget (PWB)
A personal Wheelchair Budget or PWB, is available to eligible services users, to support wider wheelchair choice within NHS commissioned services.
Learn More
Community and Engagement
Our Community Health and Engagement Officer (CHEO) will help you connect you to other resources and support.
Get InvolvedAccessing the Service
New to the Wheelchair Service
If you have never used he Wheelchair Service, you will need a referral from a qualified healthcare practitioner. This could be from a:
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Occupational Therapist, or Physiotherapist
- Hospital Consultant
Eligibility Criteria
To see if you are eligible and to find out more information, please click the button below to refer to our eligibility criteria.
Reassessment of Your Needs
If you are already known to the Wheelchair Service and have equipment on loan from us, you can request a reassessment of your needs. Please complete the request for reassessment form.
We may need to ask a healthcare practitioner to complete a new referral form in some circumstances. Alternatively, you can call the Service Centre who will support your request.
Receiving of Referral
When we receive your referral, a clinical team member will review the information provided. All referrals are prioritised according to the Surrey Wheelchair Service specifications and criteria.
We may need to contact you or the practitioner who referred you to find out more information or discuss your needs. We will then arrange one of the following options for you:

Issue of a suitable wheelchair, handed over by one of our field service engineers, without the need to see a clinician.
You will be added to the appropriate waiting list for further assessment of your specific needs.
If you are not eligible for provision of equipment from our service, you will receive a further letter advising you of this.
Health and Wellbeing Outcomes
Wheelchair Outcomes Assessment Tools
We utilise the Wheelchair Outcomes Assessment Tools (WATCh and WATCh-Ad), a patient-centred outcome measure developed by the Centre for Health Economics and Medicines Evaluation (CHEME). The WATCh tools allow wheelchair users to select the most important outcomes and give an example of what they hope to achieve for each one.
If you are new to the Wheelchair Service and meet the eligibility criteria, you will be sent a WATCh Health and Wellbeing Outcomes form to complete before your appointment.
During your assessment, our wheelchair therapists will help you identify your health and wellbeing goals and desired outcomes. We will co-design a care plan that supports these outcomes and any wider care plans you have, discuss your equipment options with you, and explain what a PWB is and how it can help meet your needs.

Children’s Service Information
Click the button below to access the Children’s Service Information page where you can find further information for children, their parents or guardians, carers and healthcare practitioners on all aspects of the service related to children.
This section includes helpful guides, frequently asked questions and signposting information relating to Children’s Wheelchair Service.
Personal Wheelchair Budget (PWB)
A Personal Wheelchair Budget, or PWB, is a resource available to give service users more choice over their wheelchair provision, offering them more control, so that their postural and mobility needs can be included in their wider care planning.
Service Users may be eligible to access a PWB whenever they require a new wheelchair, either because their clinical needs have changed or if their existing wheelchair is no longer fit for purpose.

Who’s Who?
Below is just a selection of the roles that make up Surrey Wheelchair Service, including their job titles and a summary of what they do and how they help:

Occupational Therapist (OT) or Physiotherapist (PT)
Our OT’s abd PT’s are qualified healthcare practitioners who are experienced in assessing people with moderate through to complex needs and prescribing appropriate mobility and postural equipment.

Rehabilitation Engineer (RE)
Our RE’s have experience in assessing people with moderate and complex needs and prescribing appropriate equipment that may require more specialist technical input.

Rehabilitation Engineering Technician (RET)
An RET will pre-fit and adjust equipment in accordance with instructions from an RE, OT or PT. They may also carry out less complex modifications or assessments.

Therapy Assistant (TA)
A TA is trained to assess people with less complex needs and may also assist on OT or PT in clinic.

Customer Services
Our customer service staff answer calls, acknowledge correspondence and book appointments and repairs. One of the team will greet you when you arrive for a clinic appointment.

Field Service Engineer (FSE)
FSE’s undertake wheelchair repairs and, although they do not undertake assessments, they may hand over non-complex wheelchairs and cushions if an OT, PT or RE judges this to be appropriate.

Community Health Engagement Officer (CHEO)
Our CHEO engages with service users, their families and carers where appropriate, and any other third-party organisations, charities, statutory and voluntary organisations to promote a holistic approach.

Workshop Engineer (WE)
A WE will undertake wheelchair repairs, servicing, and maintenance from the workshops in our service centres.
Video Wheelchair Guides
We highly recommend watching a series of informative short videos created by Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
These videos are a great introduction to your NHS wheelchair, including how to operate it safely and keep it running well.

Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do if my wheelchair doesn’t meet my needs anymore and is uncomfortable?
Please contact Surrey Wheelchair Service on 0330 124 8210 and indicate to us that you wish for re-assessment as your needs have changed.
If I have to go for an assessment, can I get help with transport to the wheelchair service if I do not have access to a car?
We are not in a position to provide transportation. However, we can pass on details of local transport services, contact our Customer Services team for more information.
Will I be shown how to use equipment?
When equipment is delivered it will be demonstrated to the patient. Any prescribed accessories will be fitted by Ross Care.
Do you provide power packs?
We do not provide power packs; however, we may consider compatible power packs to be fitted. Please contact us to discuss this further.
If a power pack is deemed appropriate, it can be purchased from Ross Care. Find out more information on upgrading your wheelchair in the Personal Wheelchair Budgets section of this website.
Can I take my wheelchair on holiday?
Yes, if this is covered by your holiday or home insurance. If your holiday company request the weight of your wheelchair, it is detailed on the manufacturer’s label located on the frame.
How do I return equipment that is no longer needed?
Please contact us and we will arrange a date for collection.
How do I request a repair to my manual or powered wheelchair?
Please contact Surrey Wheelchair Service on 0330 124 8210 or complete the form on our Repairs page.
Home appointments may be planned depending on requirements.
Can I take my indoor/outdoor powered wheelchair on the road, as opposed to the pavement or path?
The wheelchair should only be driven on the road where there is no alternative. It is meant to be a pavement vehicle.
Do I need public liability insurance for indoor/outdoor powered wheelchairs and should I take this out myself?
Taking out insurance is not mandatory, but it is a sensible precaution. Insurance can be facilitated via Ross Care if desired.