Personal Wheelchair Budget A Personal Wheelchair Budget, or PWB, is available to support wider wheelchair choice within NHS-commissioned services.

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What is PWB?

A PWB is a resource available to give you more choice over your wheelchair provision, offering you more control, so that your postural and mobility needs can be included in your wider care planning. 

You may be eligible to access a PWB whenever you require a new wheelchair, either because your clinical needs have changed, or if your existing wheelchair is no longer fit for purpose. 

The PWB scheme enables individuals to take advantage of other funding sources as well as Wheelchair Service funding. This could be via other statutory agencies or charitable organisations, or you may wish to make a financial contribution yourself. This is not to reduce what is on offer but to consider how your wider care needs could be met with a joined-up approach and by pooling resources.

PWB Service User Connections Graphic
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Health and Wellbeing Outcomes

Wheelchair Outcomes Assessment Tools

We utilise the Wheelchair Outcomes Assessment Tools (WATCh and WATCh-Ad), a patient-centred outcome measure developed by the Centre for Health Economics and Medicines Evaluation (CHEME). The WATCh tools allow wheelchair users to select the most important outcomes and give an example of what they hope to achieve for each one.

If you are new to the Wheelchair Service and meet the eligibility criteria, you will be sent a WATCh Health and Wellbeing Outcomes form to complete before your appointment.

During your assessment, our wheelchair therapists will help you identify your health and wellbeing goals and desired outcomes. We will co-design a care plan that supports these outcomes and any wider care plans you have, discuss your equipment options with you, and explain what a PWB is and how it can help meet your needs.