healthcare professionals icon Information for Healthcare Professionals The information on this page is intended to support healthcare professionals with referrals to the wheelchair service.

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Requesting information in an alternative format

To request information or any of our key documents is an alternative format such as braille, easy to read, larger print, audio or other format, please call 0300 124 820. Alternatively, you send us an SMS or Whatsapp message to 07471 038 629 or email us at quoting the publications title plus the format you require.

Establishing Eligibility

The Commissioners, under guidance from NHS England, have created the eligibility criteria for the Wheelchair Service.

Referrals must meet the criteria to be accepted, so please read them carefully to make sure your client is eligible for the service. 

If your service user requires a short-term loan of a wheelchair, please contact  the British Red Cross (other short-term loan providers may be available).

Surrey Wheelchair Service Eligibility Criteria

Referral Forms

If you are a healthcare professional and want to refer to our service, please download and complete the referral form on this page. 

You must complete the sections of the referral form that are relevant to your service user and the type of equipment they require. Sending an incomplete referral may result in your referral being delayed or rejected.

Surrey Wheelchair Service Referral Form