Avoiding Falls At Home
Top Tips for Independent Living at Home-Avoiding Falls
- Thinking in terms of prevention is the best way to avoid risk of falls in the home.
- The consequences of a fall can be unpleasant and sometimes protracted
- The following ideas can help you avoid some common occurences.
Keep your access routes around the house clear, with no trip hazards.
Make sure your room is well lit, including bright lighting in the halls, stairs and landing.
An extra stair rail can help. Also, keep a walking aid both upstairs and downstairs.
Don't use a walking aid to get you in or out of the chair. Push up on the arms of the chair and then take hold of the walking aid.
If your chair is too low, fitting chair raises works better than adding and extra cushion, and ensures that the arms and back of the chair still support you.
Walking aids can slip on wet floor areas such as shower rooms or wer rooms. Grab rails may be better. Ask the advice of an Occupational Therapist if you are unsure.
Well fitted supportivre footwear is important to help you walk- watch out for loose, warm slippers with shiny soles and take care if getting up at night without footwear.
Small, stick on, motion sensor (PIR) lights can make getting up in the night much safer. Stick one to the base of your bedside cabinet or on the landing.
Available online products are Chair Raisers Grab Rails Walking Frames