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Cadair olwyn ystwyth, cwbl addasadwy sy'n cadw gyriad ardderchog gan Motion Composites i fynd â chi ymhellach fyth. Mae'r gadair olwyn yn defnyddio technoleg soffistigedig ac mae aloi alwminiwm cyfres 7000 perfformiad uchel yn rhoi'r Helio A7 maneuverability premiwm ac ysgafnder.

Gan gyfuno'r technolegau hydroformio diweddaraf ag aloi alwminiwm sy'n adnabyddus am ei gymhareb cryfder-i-bwysau rhagorol, gan greu un o'r cadeiriau alwminiwm plygu ysgafnaf ar y farchnad i chi.

Arbedwch eich egni a mynd ymhellach - Rhwyddineb gyriad yw amlwg ar unwaith a, gyda'r Helio A7, byddwch chi'n mwynhau ystwythder rhyfeddol. Gan ddefnyddio brace croes hydroformedig cwbl gymesur, mae tiwbiau hirgrwn ac echelau colyn yn gweithio gyda'i gilydd tra bod y system blygu unigryw yn gwneud y mwyaf o sefydlogrwydd y ffrâm, gan arbed ynni sylweddol i chi bob dydd.

Dewiswch o ystod eang o orffeniadau paent syfrdanol - Ar gael mewn, Du, Gwyrdd Asid, Gwyrdd Anghenfil, Ferrari coch, oren wedi'i gusanu gan yr haul, Bwrgwyn, Fuchsia, glas Sapphire a Glas Dur.


An aluminum alloy renowned for its high strength-to-weight ratio.


A unibody frame is much stronger and requires less maintenance than a standard two part frame. It also reduces weight while maximizing propulsion efficiency.


Entirely symmetrical aluminum cross brace for reduced torsion and better energy distribution throughout the frame.


High-precision tolerances and oversized pivot axles for best-in-class propulsion efficiency.


Offers the industry’s most precise rear wheel adjustability. The vertical mounting maximizes stability and responsiveness.


Easy to adjust and made of composite materials for strength and reduced weight. It is the only armrest the converts for flip-back to single post without the use of tools.


Integrated into the frame for rock-solid durability, the Evolve caster housing offers easy and precise infinite adjustments.


Minimize flutter with a simple twist of a screw. Provides a smooth, more efficient ride.


Parts and accessories designed to be lighter with improved functionality.

Frame: Folding

Material: 7005 T6 aluminum

Transport Weight
13.6 lb. | 6.2 kg (16 x 16 without rear wheels, wheel locks, armrests, cushion, anti-tippers and footrest). Lightest configuration: 23.3 lb. | 10.6 kg (with wheel locks and wheels)

 Weight Limit: 265 lb. | 120 kg — 350 lb. | 159 kg - HD Kit

Seat width
14 in. to 22 in.
35.6 cm to 55.9 cm 

Seat depth: 
14 in. to 20 in.
35.6 cm to 50.8 cm 

Front seat to floor
13 in. to 21 ½ in.
33 cm to 54.6 cm 

Rear seat to floor
12 ½ in. to 20 ¼ in.
31.8 cm to 51.4 cm 

Back height
9 in. to 24 in.
22.9 cm to 61 cm 

Armrest Height
6 in. to 14 in.
15.2 cm to 35.6 cm 

Front frame angle
60°, 70°, 80°, 90°

Back angle
85° to 110° 

Wheel camber
0°, 3°, 6° 

Centre of gravity
1 in. to 3 ¾ in.
2.5 cm to 9.5 cm 

Overall width
20 ¾ in. min – 33 ½ in. max.
52.7 cm min – 85.1 cm max.

i x

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Helio A7 - cadair olwyn alwminiwm plygu
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