Ross Care

£21.95 GBP
VAT exc.

  • Mae'r gobennydd cyfuchlin ewyn cof yn darparu cysur, gan leddfu pwysau a mowldio i'ch siâp

  • mae'r haen gel yn helpu i'ch cadw'n oer hefyd!

  • Gellir golchi'r gorchudd melfed meddal y gellir ei dynnu â pheiriant er hwylustod.

  • Mae'r gobennydd Gel Comfort Contour yn ddelfrydol i'w ddefnyddio trwy gydol y flwyddyn yn y cartref.

  • Product features

  • Contoured Memory Foam Pillow for a comfortable and restful nights sleep.
  • Moulds to your shape for great support.
  • Cool blue gel layer to keep you cool during the night.
  • Soft touch velvet cover is removable and can be machine washed at a low temperature
  • Ideal for those who suffer from stiff and painful joints.
  •  Depth (mm): 300
  • Height (mm): 90
  • Width (mm): 500
  • Product Dimensions (mm): 90x500x300
  • Net weight (kg): 0.88
  • Colour: White/Blue
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If you are disabled or have a long-term illness, you won’t be charged VAT on products designed or adapted for your own personal or domestic use. If you are not entitled to VAT Exemption please close this box and select the price that includes VAT. If you are unsure whether you are entitled or not please read our VAT Exemption Terms & Conditions.

VAT Exemption Terms & Conditions
Oeri Gel Cysur Cof Cof Pillow Cyfuchlin Ewyn Gyda Gorchudd melfed meddal symudadwy
£21.95 GBP
VAT exc.

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