Balchder tucson modur sengl 3 cadair lifft safle
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- Mae Cadair Lift Swydd 3 Modur Sengl Pride Tucson wedi'i saernïo'n gyfan gwbl yn yr Unol Daleithiau ac mae'n cynnwys sylw eithriadol i fanylion megis cromliniau crwn a phadin ffabrig meddal sy'n cael ei stwffio i berffeithrwydd.
- Mae'r Tucson yn cynnwys cefn gobennydd cyfforddus, sydd wedi'i ddylunio'n benodol i gynnig cysur eithriadol ac arddull gyfoes.
- O fewn y Tucson mae ffrâm laminiad/Pren Caled gradd dodrefn premiwm gyda moduron tawel, llyfn sy'n rheoli'r system lifft
- Mae'r addasiad modur sengl / cyfun yn golygu bod y gynhalydd cefn yn gorwedd ar yr un pryd
- Simple hand control features easy to use functions.
- This enables The Tucson’s enhanced motors to quickly position you.
- The Tucson’s control system features a handy USB charging port and LED lights, which help to pinpoint your chosen position.
- The chair can be isolated by means of a key, which is located on the side of the control wire.
- Featuring new wireless remote technology.
- The Tucson can perform lifted, reading and full recline functions from an optimum range of 15ft at the touch of a button.
- The Tucson features a simple control disconnect system.
- Located below the handset, the effortless key system enables you to disconnect or re-connect the controller from the chair.
- Back Width (cm) - 75cm (29.5'')
- Seat To Floor (cm) - 50.8cm (20'')
- Seat Depth (cm) - 50.8cm (20'')
- Seat Width (cm) - 50.8cm (20'')
- Top of back to Seat (cm) - 61cm (24'')
- Weight Capacity (stone) -