Ross Care

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  • Mae'r 4Front™ yn gadair bŵer gyriant olwyn flaen dawel, fwy ymatebol sy'n cynnwys ataliad gradd modurol gyda chysur digynsail ac ansawdd reidio

  • Mae technoleg 4Front's CASE (Caster Angle Sensor Encoder) a SRS (Smooth Ride Suspension) yn darparu sefydlogrwydd ar gyfer trawsnewidiadau rhwystr llyfn a pherfformiad gyrru heb ei ail.

  • Ar gael mewn 14 lliw

Mae ROSS CARE yn cefnogi pryniannau Cyllideb Personol Cadair Olwyn a'r cynllun Talebau Cadair Olwyn

  • The 4Front features standard speeds of up to 6 mph in the lowered position
  • Speeds up to 3.2 mph while elevated at 10" with our optional safe seat elevation.
  • Standard LED fender lights allow you to see and be seen.
  • Weight Capacity 21 Stone 6 lbs (137 kg)
  • Maximum Speed 6 mph (with lights)
  • Ground Clearance 7.62 cm at Battery Tray
  • Overall Length 101.6 cm (40")
  • Overall Width 60.96 cm (24")
  • Turning Radius 62.23 cm (24.5 cm)
  • Standard Controls Q-Logic 3
  • Total Weight (without batteries) 63.5 kg Battery
  • Requirements 2 x 70 Ah Deep Cycle / Weight: 23.36 kg
  • Seating TB3 Seating: 12" x 12" to 22" x 22" Tyres
  • Drive Wheels: 35.56 cm
  • Castor Wheels: 22.86 cm 

Notes 1. Due to manufacturing tolerances and continual product improvement, this specification can be subject to a variance of + or - 3 %.

2. Specification varies with user weight, terrain, battery type, battery condition and tire pressure.

3. Battery weight may vary based on manufacturer.

Tested in accordance with ANSI/RESNA, WC Vol. 2, Section 4 and ISO 7176-4 standards. Results derived from theoretical calculations based on battery specifications and drive system performance. Testing conducted at maximum weight capacities. This specification can be subject to a variance of +10%, -5%. The information contained herein is correct at the time of publication; we reserve the right to alter specifications without prior notice.

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Cadair pŵer gyriant olwyn flaen cwantwm 4front
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