Aviva rx 40 cadair bŵer
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Mae cadeiriau pŵer gyriant olwyn gefn yn galluogi i chi gadw i fyny â chyflymder bywyd modern trwy ganiatáu i chi yrru i fyny bryniau, dros dir anwastad, ac ar balmant llyfn. Mae'r RX40 yn cyflwyno perfformiad, cysur, tyniant a rheolaeth.
Rear base unit
Rear base unit with small wheels for added stability.
AVIVA RX Colours
Select from a range of colours for the contoured shrouds, castors and wheel rim inserts: Black, Blue, Red, Silver or Purple.
Axendo lighting system
The new Axendo lighting system offers road-legal light packages in two different versions.
SEAT WIDTH: 380, 430 mm
Seat depth: 410, 460, 510 mm
Seat height: 435, 460, 485 mm (3)
Backrest height
Sling back seat; 480/540mm
Flex3; 506-610mm.
Matrx: 400/500mm
Armrest height: 230-360mm
Length of footrests: 280-460mm
Seat angle:0 degrees to +30 degrees
Backrest angle:90 to 120 degrees
Total height: 1000-1335mm
Total length inc. footrests: 1026-1300mm
Total length without footrests: 830mm
Driving unit width: 560-635mm
Max. User weight: 160kg
Battery capacity: 60Ah, 73.5Ah
Turning diameter: 1506-2086mm
Max. climbable obstacle height: 60mm (100mm with kerb climber)
Max. safe slope: 6, 10 degrees
Motor capacity: 2 x 340W
Speed: 6, 10 & 12.5km/h
Driving range: Up to 47km (10)
Total weight: 105-485.2Kg (10)
Crash tested
Rim colour options: Black, Silver, Bengal Red, Mercury Blue, Midnight Purple. Premium colours; Racing Green, Deep Ocean Blue Satin, Frosty Blue, Gold Shroud. Premium individual shroud colour will match to a RAL of your choice.
Shroud colour options: Black, Silver, Bengal Red, Mercury Blue, Midnight Purple. Premium colours; Racing Green, Deep Ocean Blue Satin, Frosty Blue, Gold Shroud. Premium individual shroud colour will match to a RAL of your choice.