Mae Cadair Comôd Surrey yn addasadwy i uchder a gellir ei stacio
Cadair comôd taclus ac ymarferol gyda breichiau datodadwy er hwylustod trosglwyddo,
Yn addas i'w ddefnyddio fel comôd ystafell wely neu gom ystafell ymolchi.
Mae gan Gadair Comôd Surrey fwced 5 litr gyda chaead.
Mae clustogwaith y comôd wedi'i badio'n dda ac mae wedi'i weldio finyl i leihau'r posibilrwydd y bydd bacteria'n cronni.
170 kg (27 stone) weight limit
Supplied with a 5-litre potty
Height adjustable commode for use around the home
Padded backrest and removable padded overseat for comfort
Removable arms for easy side transfer
Depth (mm): 496-510
Height (mm): 810-910
Width (mm): 490-500
Product Dimensions (mm): 810-910x490-500x496-510
Net weight (kg): 3.5
Aperture Depth (mm): 230
Aperture Width (mm): 240
Arm Height (mm): 240
Back Rest (mm): 160x430x30
Backrest Height (mm): 160
Capacity (litres): 5
Colour: Black and brown
Configuration: Detachable Arms
Floor to Arm (mm): 655-750
Floor to Bucket Rim (mm): 450-550
Footprint (WxD) Min/Max (mm): 490-500x496-510
Footprint Depth (mm): 450
Footprint Width (mm): 480
Front of Seat to Backrest (mm): 410
Height From Floor To Seat Underside: 450-550
Height from Floor to Top of Back (mm): 780
Height from Floor to Top of Seat (mm): 450-550
Height of Arms from Seat (mm): 225
Height To Top Of Back From Floor: 810-910
Maximum User Weight (kg): 170
Maximum User Weight (stones): 27
Overall Depth (mm): 496-510
Overall Height (mm): 780
Overall Width (mm): 490-500
Padded Seat (WxD) (mm): 350X350
Seat Depth (mm): 350
Seat Height (mm): 450-550
Seat to Back Height (mm): 260
Seat Width (mm): 350
Toilet Seat Depth (mm): 350
Toilet Seat Width (mm): 360
User Weight Limit (kg): 170
Width between Arms (mm): 505-520
Width of Backrest (mm): 420
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If you are disabled or have a long-term illness, you won’t be charged VAT on products designed or adapted for your own personal or domestic use.
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