Your voice is essential to how we run our services and there are a number of ways you can provide your feedback and input. You can find all the different ways to give us your feedback on this page.
0333 003 8071
Telephone Us - Hampshire
0330 124 4489
Telephone Us - Isle of Wight
Email Us
Requesting information in an alternative format
To request information or any of our key documents in an alternative format such as braille, easy read, larger print, audio, or other format, please call our Customer Services team on 0333 003 8071. Alternatively, you can email us at quoting the publication title plus the format you require.
Giving Feedback

Concerns and Compliments
Concerns - We take your concerns very seriously, and they are always treated in the strictest of confidence. Any concerns will be looked into as quickly as possible and we will work with you to find an appropriate solution. Compliments - We would also like to hear about the positive parts of the service being provided; if you think we have done something particularly well, or would like to send a 'thank you' to a member of staff, please let us know.
Send us your Concerns or Compliments
Suggestions for Improvement
We would like to hear about the possible improvements we can make for the good of the service. Your feedback allows us to keep improving our service, and we are committed to Service User involvement in the design and delivery of our service. We are always pleased to hear about your experience of our service and any suggestions for improvement you may have.
Send us your suggestions for improvementMaking a Formal Complaint
We take any complaints very seriously, and they are always treated in the strictest of confidence, please use this form to raise a formal complaint with Kent and Medway Wheelchair Service.
You can raise a complaint in writing, by email, or in person by speaking to a member of staff at Kent and Medway Wheelchair Service. Anyone can complain, including young people. A family member, carer, or friend can also complain on your behalf with your permission
Health and Wellbeing Outcomes
We utilise the Wheelchair Outcomes Assessment Tools (WATCh and WATCh-Ad), a patient-centred outcome measure developed by the Centre for Health Economics and Medicines Evaluation (CHEME).
The WATCh tools allow wheelchair users to select the most important outcomes and give an example of what they hope to achieve for each.
If you are new to the Wheelchair Service and meet the eligibility criteria, you will be sent a WATCh form to complete before your appointment. During your assessment, our wheelchair therapists will help you identify your health and wellbeing goals and desired outcomes.

NHS Friends and Family Test
You'll be asked about your experience of our service and can rank your answer from "very good" to "very poor". You'll have the opportunity to explain your score by adding comments and may be asked some follow-up questions.
The NHS Friends and Family helps us understand whether you are happy with the service provided or where you feel improvements are needed. It's a quick and anonymous way to give your views after receiving NHS care or treatment.