Community and Engagement See our latest news & service announcements, give us your feedback, and find out how you can get involved in coproduction to help inform how our service is run.

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To request information or any of our key documents is an alternative format such as braille, easy to read, larger print, audio or other format, please call 0333 003 8071. Alternatively, you can email us at quoting the publications title plus the format you require.

Community icon, depicting people within a heart shape

Part of the Community

We recognise that we operate as part of a local community; because of this, our goals include fostering proactive partnerships, meaningful engagement with our Service Users and representative groups and working to protect the environment to support improvement in the local area.   

On this page, you can find out about our actions to support these goals within the community, see our latest news and service announcements, and provide your feedback to the Wheelchair Service.

Photo of Ross Care colleagues Sarah Atkins and Emily Galton with Peter Hull MBE

Proactive Partnerships

Championing and signposting local groups and activities which benefit the lives of our Service Users. Working in partnership with other Health & Social Care services and practitioners. 

Photo of a ramble with Hampshire RoamAbility in Gosport
smiling face icon

Meaningful Engagement

Working with our Service Users and representative groups to engage in coproduction which informs how our services are run. 

Mallard Wood in the New Forest, Hampshire
earth icon

Protecting the Environment

Minimising our impact, building towards net zero carbon emissions, and supporting improvement to the local surroundings.

Meet Your Community Health and Engagement Officer (CHEO)

Hello, my name’s Emily Galton and I am the Community Health and Engagement Officer (CHEO) for the West Hampshire, Southampton and Isle of Wight Wheelchair & Repair Service.

I was a young carer to my mum growing up. I was just 8 when I started caring for her and continued to do so for 23 years. My mum was a wheelchair user for 20 years and this lived experience has given me an understanding of the challenges wheelchair users and their families face. I’m a parent carer too! I’m a mum to one son, who is Autistic & has ADHD. Alongside working for Ross Care, I’m an active steering group member of the Southampton Parent Carer Forum. I’ve also worked alongside Physio’s and OTs as a rehab assistant within the NHS. With a wealth of lived experience in caring for and working with people with a disability.

Some of the activities I support include:

  • Helping Service Users and carers understand what other disability and health support they can access.
  • Connecting with and working alongside other Health & Social Care providers to tackle issues with multiple facets.
  • Coordinating our Wheelchair User Forums. 
  • Exploring and promoting local services and charitable initiatives that benefit our Service Users.
  • Updating our Service Users on our latest news and developments. 
  • Support case progress when needed, helping resolve issues when they occur.
  • Signpost to possible funding support for those exploring Personal Wheelchair Budget options. 

We recognise that incorporating Service User insight is vital for continually improving patient experience; the CHEO role is responsible for driving improvement by involving users in a co-productive process and gathering users' views of how the service can better meet the needs of users, their families and carers.  

Photo of Hampshire CHEO Emily Galton

Latest News

Service User Forums

Are you a wheelchair user, carer, or family of a wheelchair user and want to get involved in shaping better services? 

We run regular Wheelchair User Forums open to all wheelchair users across Surrey and invite you to come along and have your say and tell us what's working and what needs improving. 

Photograph of a service user and OT in clinic.

Providing Feedback

You can provide feedback to any staff member at any time. If you have not received the level of service you expect from us, we want you to tell us as soon as possible. By doing so, you can help us get to the bottom of the problem quickly and effectively. 

We take your concerns and complaints very seriously, and they are always treated in the strictest of confidence. We will investigate your concerns as quickly as possible and work with you to find an appropriate solution. 

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Helpful Services

Charities and User Led Organisations

SPECTRUM Centre for Independent Living

SPECTRUM is a User Led Organisation, run and controlled by Disabled People seeking to affect long-term and lasting change in the way Disabled People are viewed, included and valued for who they are and what they contribute to society.

Visit the SPECTRUM website
People Matter IW

People Matter IW are an Isle of Wight based User Led Organisation that aims to give people with learning disabilities a voice, ensuring that people are enabled to get the support and/or services that they need to live the life they choose.

Visit the People Matter IW website

Newlife is a charity that offers a lifeline for families, providing life-changing and life-saving equipment when and where its needed. Alongside equipment, they campaign to improve the outlook for disabled children and change lives.

Visit the Newlife website

Whizz Kidz

Whizz Kidz are the UK's leading charity for young wheelchair users. Creating opportunities for young wheelchair users to get the equipment, skills and confidence to go further.

Visit the WhizzKidz website
Mobility Trust

Mobility Trust is a charity who raise money to supply powered mobility equipment, specifically wheelchairs and scooters, to disabled people who cannot obtain them through statutory or other charitable means.

Visit the Mobility Trust website
Back Up Trust

Back Up aim to inspire people affected by spinal cord injury to get the most out of life. Their award-winning, practical services challenge the perceptions of what’s possible and increase skills and confidence.

Visit the Back Up Trust website

Carer Support

Unpaid Carers Support Southampton

Unpaid Carers Support Southampton supports all unpaid adult carers, from 18 years upwards, across Southampton. Our aim is to support those caring for a friend, neighbour, relative or loved one to understand their rights and options, and give a voice to the thousands of unpaid carers living in our city.

Visit the Unpaid Carers Support website
Connect to Support Hampshire

Connect to Support Hampshire is an online resource for adults in Hampshire. Its aim is to help you stay independent and to manage your own care.  You can find local groups, activities and services within your community as well as  care providers and other paid services that may help you.

Visit the Connect to Support Hampshire website
Carers IW

Carers IW work with carers who either live on the Isle of Wight or care for someone living on the Isle of Wight. They are a charity working with carers to ensure they receive the right support and information at the right time, enabling carers to carry on looking after their relatives, friends and neighbours.

Visit the Carers IW website

Wheelchair Skills

The Wheelchair Skills College

The Wheelchair Skills College was founded with the vision of ensuring every wheelchair user has the opportunity to capture independence, whatever that looks like for them. Their wheelchair skills training sessions are delivered by experienced wheelchair users who know what it is like to deal with obstacles on a daily basis.

Visit the Wheelchair Skills College website
Freedom Wheelchair Skills

Freedom Wheelchair Skills offers peer-led wheelchair training and teaches people how to overcome the everyday challenges that you will encounter when using a wheelchair. Wheelchair training can increase your confidence and empower you to become less dependent on other people.

Visit the Freedom Wheelchair Skills website
Go Kids Go

Go Kids Go is the leading provider of free wheelchair skills training for children in the UK. Go Kids Go have been running training since 1990; enabling independence and helping to ensure that the young people are able to reach their full potential.

Visit the Go Kids Go website