Welcome to the NHS Wheelchair and Repair Service for West Hampshire, Southampton and Isle of Wight
The service is operated by Ross Care. We provide wheelchair and postural management services to the eligible residents of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight on behalf of the NHS.
Our clinical team assess your mobility, pressure, and postural support needs. Following a detailed discussion that includes your lifestyle and personal priorities, our clinicians will develop a care and support plan with you. We can then offer the most appropriate wheelchair, pressure cushion and/or postural support from our NHS range. We may work with community health and social care teams to ensure you receive a holistic service and are aware of all the options available to you. Our repair team will repair and maintain the equipment provided to you for as long as you require it.
Clinical Enquiries and Repairs
0333 003 8071
Telephone Us - Hampshire
0330 124 4489
Telephone Us - Isle of Wight
Email Us
Accessible Information
Requesting information in an alternative format
To request information or any of our key documents in an alternative format such as braille, easy read, larger print, audio, or other format, please call our Customer Services team on 0333 003 8071. Alternatively, you can email us at hants.iow.wcs@rosscare.co.uk quoting the publication title plus the format you require.

We provide all assessments at our specially designed, modern service centres in Chandlers Ford and Newport.

Customised Seating
We offer a specialised seating service for people with complex postural needs.

Repairs and Maintenance
We provide a flexible repair and maintenance service to keep your wheelchair in good working order.
Services We Do Not Provide
We do not provide wheelchairs for short-term use, for example, during recovery from a broken leg. In these situations, or if you do not meet the Eligibility Criteria to access the service, you may wish to:
Our Eligibility Criteria document gives a list of equipment we do not provide and can be found on the Service Information page where you can also find some helpful advice about other organisations that may provide support.