SP100 Stondin a Perch Model STAIRTIFT
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- Mae cysur bob amser wedi bod yn gyfystyr â MediTek ac nid yw'r SP100 newydd yn eithriad.
- Yn wir, fe welwch fod nodweddion safonol wedi'u gwella a bod datblygiadau newydd wedi'u gwneud i wneud eich taith hyd yn oed yn fwy cyfforddus.
- Oherwydd y grymoedd cantilifer a osodir gan sedd clwydo, mae gan y lifft hwn uchafswm llwyth o 100kg (15.5 stôn)
- With a fully height adjustable seating arrangement that will accommodate both a standing or perching position the new lift
- the perfect solution for customers who have problems sitting or bending at the hips.
- Safety Barrier Arm as Standard
- The Mk1G Stand and Perch features a safety barrier arm as standard,
- Luxury upholstery colour options as the seated model
- The option of a standard size footrest or the larger British Standard Compliant footrest.
Stairlift Specifications
- Stair Style - Straight
- Use Type - Indoor Use
- Motor output speed - 16 ft/min
Drive Type - Rack and opinion
Power Supply - 24V DC
- Maximum Weight - 350lbs
Track Type - Extruded aluminum
- Main Power Supply - 240V AC