Mae'r Solo Contract Hinged Arm Support yn gynnyrch ardderchog ar gyfer gwerth a diogelwch.
Mae'n cynnwys mecanwaith plygu / plygu i lawr syml er hwylustod.
Mae nodwedd ychwanegol y goes cymorth dewisol ar y VY423 yn darparu sefydlogrwydd ychwanegol, yn enwedig lle gellir rhoi mwy o bwysau i lawr pan gaiff ei ddefnyddio.
Gellir addasu uchder y cynulliad coes ar y VY423 sy'n galluogi gosod braich cynnal yr ystafell ymolchi ar uchderau amrywiol i weddu i'r mwyafrif o anghenion.
Height adjustable leg to suit the majority of users.
Epoxy coated ensuring durability.
Ideal for use in the bathroom where safety is a concern.
750 mm long bar
Simple fold-up/ fold-down mechanism
Depth (mm) 165
Height (mm) 870
Width (mm) 100
Product Dimensions (mm) 870x100x165
Net weight (kg) 3.1
Back Plate Size (mm) 260x100x5
Colour White
Configuration Arm Support Only Without Leg
Depth to Wall (mm) 755
Length (Extended) (mm) 750
Length of Side Leg (mm)
Maximum Load (kg) 115
Maximum User Weight (kg) 115
Maximum User Weight (stones) 18
Size Tube Diameter (mm) 25
User Weight Limit (kg) 115
User Weight Limit (st) 18
Weight Limit (kg) 115
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