Ross Care

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  • Teclyn codi yw'r Codwr Clyfar sy'n galluogi dyfais symudedd, fel cadair olwyn, sgwter neu gadair bŵer, i gael ei chodi'n hawdd ac yn syml i gist car trwy wasgu botwm.

  • Mae hyn yn dileu'r angen i'r defnyddiwr cadair olwyn/sgwter neu aelod o'r teulu ei chael yn anodd cael y ddyfais i mewn i gerbyd pan fydd am fentro ymhellach i ffwrdd.

  • O fewn eu hamrediad Codwr Clyfar, mae gan gadeiriau ceir dri theclyn codi sy'n gweddu orau i amrywiaeth o gerbydau symudedd, o gadeiriau olwyn i sgwteri.

  • Yn dibynnu ar faint a phwysau eich cerbyd symudedd, edrychwch isod i weld pa un o'n Codwr Clyfar fyddai'n fwyaf addas i chi pan fyddwch chi'n dewis teclyn codi cadair olwyn neu sgwter.

Mae teclyn codi bŵt yn ychwanegiad perffaith at gar neu fan ar gyfer rhywun sydd â symudedd cyfyngedig, boed hynny oherwydd anabledd, problem iechyd, oedran neu faterion eraill, sydd am gadw eu hannibyniaeth wrth fentro allan o’r tŷ.

Heb fod angen newid eich car, mae'r teclynnau codi hyn yn hawdd i'w cynnwys ac yn caniatáu ichi fynd â'ch dyfais symudedd gyda chi ble bynnag yr ewch. Mae'r teclynnau codi hyn yn ffitio'n berffaith yn y rhan fwyaf o geir, cyn belled â bod cist eich cerbyd yn agor yn ddigon pell i'ch sgwter neu gadair olwyn ffitio drwodd.

CLICIWCH yma am fwy o wybodaeth;

Mae Ross Care yn werthwr cyswllt swyddogol ar ran cadair ceir.

  • Easy to use 
  • Lifts all types of scooters and powerchairs 
  • Manufactured in the UK 
  • Over 400 vehicle specific installation kits 
  • Lifts up to 200kg 
  • Transfer easily to your next vehicle 
  • Lift and load in just 60 seconds!

Smart Lifter: LM Range - 40kg and 80kg Boot Hoists If you’re looking for a hoist for your wheelchair or mini scooter, the Smart Lifter LM range would be perfect for you. With a max lifting weight of either 40kg or 80kg, this lifter is perfect for smaller, lighter mobility vehicles and can help you get out and about quickly and easily.With a fully automated lifting function, operated through the touch of a button, this lifter will eliminate the need to pick up your mobility devices to put it in the car. Smart Lifter: LC Range -80kg and 100kg Boot Hoists The Smart Lifter LC range is the medium size out of our three hoists, lifting up to 100kg of weight, with both 80kg and 100kg hoist options. Due to that weight limit, this hoist is best suited to mini scooters or wheelchairs. This hoist is simple and easy to operate, lifting and loading your wheelchair or mini scooter in 60 seconds, and can easily be transferred to a new vehicle if you change car. Smart Lifter: LP Range 125kg, 150kg and 200kg Boot Hoist Capable of lifting all types of scooters or powerchairs, the Smart Lifter LP range is perfect for users who possess bigger or heavier devices. With a range of three lifting capacities, 125kgs, 150kgs and 200kgs this is the world’s highest capacity vehicle hoist. This lifter operates completely automatically at the touch of a button and will load your scooter or powerchair in 60 seconds, giving you a simple and easy way to get your vehicle into your car.

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