Update on Rotherham United Powerchair Football: Enabling Access and Inclusion in Sport

At Ross Care, we are committed to supporting inclusive initiatives that empower individuals and create lasting community impact. That’s why we are proud to sponsor the Rotherham United Powerchair Football team throughout 2025, providing free maintenance for the powerchairs used by players. This vital support ensures that athletes have safe, reliable, and well-maintained equipment, allowing them to fully engage in the sport they love.

Lowestoft Wellbeing Awareness Week

Next week, Operations Manager Kizzy Davis and the team at Lowestoft will be hosting Wellbeing Awareness Week. It is a fantastic initiative designed by Kizzy to highlight the importance of wellbeing for service users and the critical role her team plays in supporting vulnerable individuals they encounter daily. 

Kizzy is incredibly proud of how her team adds value through genuine care for service users. Because of this, she devised this initiative to formalise their approach and build on their existing efforts, leading to the creation of Wellbeing Awareness Week.

Throughout the week, the team will engage in talks and discussions aimed at recognising the signs that someone may need support. They’ll also learn about local organisations and resources available to which service users can be directed. To prepare for the week, Kizzy has been building connections with local charities and support organisations to strengthen links and has compiled a comprehensive information pack for her Field Service Engineers.

The 11-page booklet includes guidance from the Fire and Rescue Service, NHS England, and the National Police Chiefs’ Council, as well as details of local food banks and other support networks.

We look forward to hearing how the week unfolds and fully support the action and care being taken by Kizzy and the entire team at Lowestoft. Their dedication to improving the lives of others is inspiring and deeply appreciated.


Rotherham’s Powerchair Football Relaunches with Support from Two New Headline Sponsors

In April this year, Rotherham United Community Trust and their More Than Football Department launched their brand new Powerchair Football sessions at Rotherham Leisure Complex. With the initial launch being a huge success, since April the sessions have grown and are flourishing.

Ross Care Awarded Contract for Kent and Medway NHS Wheelchair Service

Ross Care is thrilled to announce that it has again been awarded the contract to serve as the Provider of the Kent and Medway NHS Wheelchair Service. This contract will commence on June 1, 2024, and will run for a minimum of five years.

Ross Care Awarded Contract for Barnet NHS Wheelchair Service

Ross Care is thrilled to announce that it has been awarded the contract to serve as the Provider of the Barnet Wheelchair Service. This contract will commence on July 1, 2024, and will run for a minimum of three years.

Celebrate Global Recycling: Return Unused NHS Wheelchairs for Recycling!

Today marks #GlobalRecyclingDay, a day dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of recycling for our planet's health. As we reflect on ways to contribute to a sustainable future, Ross Care urges individuals in our local communities to join hands in a simple yet impactful initiative: returning unused NHS wheelchairs for recycling.

Celebrating International Wheelchair Day

At Ross Care, we are privileged to see first-hand the impact the wheelchair can have on improving lives. As we celebrate International Wheelchair Day on March 1st, we're pleased to share a series of short reflections from our staff, Service Users & partners that highlight the positive impact of wheelchairs on individuals' lives. 

راس کیئر اسپانسرز سینٹ آئیوس یوتھ رگبی فٹ بال کلب

ہمیں سینٹ آئیوس آر ایف سی میں دی ہیکس کی اپنی حالیہ کفالت کا اعلان کرتے ہوئے فخر ہے، جو اپنی ٹیم کے ممبران کو بااختیار بنانے اور ان کی مدد کرنے کے اپنے عزم کے حصے کے طور پر آلات کے ساتھ اسپانسر کر رہے ہیں جو اپنا وقت اپنی مقامی کمیونٹی کی بھلائی کے لیے لگاتے ہیں۔

Ross Care NHS دھواں سے پاک خدمات کے ساتھ تعاون کرتا ہے۔

ستمبر کے مہینے کے دوران، ایملی، کمیونٹی ہیلتھ انگیجمنٹ آفیسر برائے ویسٹ ہیمپشائر، ساؤتھمپٹن ​​اور آئل آف وائٹ وہیل چیئر سروس نے NHS اسٹاپ سموکنگ سروس کے ساتھ مشغول اور نیٹ ورکنگ شروع کی، جو ہیمپشائر اور آئل آف وائٹ میں Solutions4health کے ذریعے فراہم کی گئی تھی۔

65 قابل ذکر سال منانا: راس کیئر میں کین ڈوئل کی میراث

اس سال کے شروع میں، Ross Care کی ٹیم ہمارے Wallasey ڈپو میں ایک حقیقی لیجنڈ – Ken Doyle کو الوداع کرنے کے لیے اکٹھی ہوئی۔ 65 سال تک اٹل لگن کے ساتھ کمپنی کی خدمت کرنے کے بعد، کین نے ایک اچھی طرح سے ریٹائرمنٹ لینے کا انتخاب کیا ہے۔