Wicker Independent Living Supports Hackcessible with Mobility Walker Donation

At Ross Care, we are proud to continue our support of Sheffield Universities' Hackcessible event, an innovative initiative dedicated to designing accessible technology solutions. This year, we contributed by donating a standard mobility walker to assist a team in modifying it for a younger person with specific needs.

Update on Rotherham United Powerchair Football: Enabling Access and Inclusion in Sport

At Ross Care, we are committed to supporting inclusive initiatives that empower individuals and create lasting community impact. That’s why we are proud to sponsor the Rotherham United Powerchair Football team throughout 2025, providing free maintenance for the powerchairs used by players. This vital support ensures that athletes have safe, reliable, and well-maintained equipment, allowing them to fully engage in the sport they love.

Rotherham’s Powerchair Football Relaunches with Support from Two New Headline Sponsors

In April this year, Rotherham United Community Trust and their More Than Football Department launched their brand new Powerchair Football sessions at Rotherham Leisure Complex. With the initial launch being a huge success, since April the sessions have grown and are flourishing.

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